
Investor Services

FitPart Global Fund Services provides fund administration services to onshore and offshore fund entities, including special purpose vehicles used to facilitate trading. Fund administration services include financial reporting, net asset value and performance fee calculation, expense processing and subscription/redemption processing. In addition, we facilitate auditing processes when required. We provide specialized accounting support to many local entities for markets activity in North America, Latin America, Europe and Asia. Additionally, we provide fund startup and advisory services to institutions in their infancy, which requires high-growth strategies and multi-divisional flexibility.



Company Overview

Our main object is to deliver supreme returns with a low correlation to equity market scales. FitPart Global Fund has a firm track record in the.... more



 The Bahamas Financial Centre
4th Floor
Shirley and Charlotte Streets
P.O Box CB-13515
... details


Service Enquiries

For more information on Fitpart Global Fund please submit your email address below and a representative will contact you.